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Seb Dalgarno


PhD Candidate​


I am a PhD candidate in the Natural Resources and Environmental Studies (NRES) program under supervision of Eduardo Martins, with additional mentorship from James Crossman (BC Hydro), Mark Shrimpton (UNBC) and Joe Thorley (Poisson Consulting). In general, I am interested in conservation, fish movement/spatial ecology, computationally/data-intensive analysis and Bayesian statistics. More specifically, my research involves analysis of long-term White Sturgeon movements from acoustic telemetry in the Columbia River. This research is funded by BC Hydro and Government of Canada via a MITACS Accelerate grant. It aims to contribute to the recovery of this endangered population and to improve our understanding of the ecology of a species that is imperilled throughout its range. Outside of academic interests, I play a lot of music and love outdoor water activities like surfing and kayaking/canoeing.

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2017-2020    Computational Biologist at Poisson Consulting Ltd., Haida Gwaii
2013-2014    Research Intern at Wildlife Conservation Society, Papua New Guinea
2012             Research Assistant for Professor Neera Singh, University of Toronto



2014-2016 MSc in Geography, University of Guelph
2006-2011 BA in Forest Conservation, University of Toronto

Peer-Reviewed Publications​


Species-environment associations and predicted distribution of Black Oystercatcher breeding pairs in Haida Gwaii, British Columbia, Canada

Dalgarno S, Mersey JE, Gedalof Z and Lemon M. 2017. Avian Conservation and Ecology 12, 9. ABSTRACT


An estimate of above-ground carbon stock in tropical rainforest on Manus Island, Papua New Guinea

Arihafa A, Dalgarno S and Neale E. 2015. Pacific Conservation Biology 21, 307-314. ABSTRACT

Contact & FOLLOW

University of Northern British Columbia

Ecosystem Science and Management Program

3333 University Way, Prince George, BC, V2N 4Z9

1.250.960.5855  |  EMAIL

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We are always looking for motivated people to join our lab. Please contact us to inquire about research opportunities.


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